Frequently Asked Questions
We are adding to this page frequently, so the FAQ list will grow over time as we answer the most common questions
What should I invest in?
People should be invested based on their identified “Risk Profile”
For some people this could be Defensive style funds and for others it could be High Growth. Never invest before you know what your Risk Profile is and the REASON you are investing
When should I start planning my retirement?
The best time to start planning your retirement was 5 years ago – The second best time is NOW!
We have never seen a person do bettter financially by sitting on the fence and do nothing.
Are Australian shares worth investing in?
The size of Australia’s economy is less than 2% the size of the global economy, so why restrict your entire portfolio to stocks that have little or limited growth potential? Investment diversification is very impotant so don’t limit your growth potential by sticking to one class of assets.
Are International shares worth investing in?
Yes, definitely… but you need to know which ones. Just like any industry, there are winners qand losers, so make sure you’re backing the winners! Christian Lazarou conducts extensive weekly research on International shares and is regularily buying and adjusting his client’s portfolios to ensure they have a good mix of International shares.
When should I start planning my investment strategy?
NOW! The longer you wait, the higher the potential for lost investment opportunity and the more you will pay to re-enter the market, whether that be direct property or shares. We have never seen a person do better off by waiting to invest, money loves speed!
Should I setup an SMSF?
An SMSF is generally used to invest superannuation funds into investments that are not ordinarily available through a platform or industry super fund such as direct property, derivatives, wholesale income funds, Art and so on.
SMSF trustee’s must weight the costs and risks of using an SMSF against the investment potential before doing this.
How should I invest my funds?
Once you know what your Risk Profile is, the financial advisor will explain how your funds should be invested and the correct Asset Allocation.
What are your fees?
It depends on the time and complexity of your financial plan. Our Financial Services Guide will list the fee range for our services. We will provide you with a quote after your 30-minute strategy call.
What does a good investment strategy look like?
A solid investment strategy should have the “5 Pillars” built around it which include:
- Tax Planning
- Debt & Risk Management
- Wealth Planning
- Retirement Planning
- Estate Planning
Most people we speak to can tick 1 or 2 items off that list but rarely do we speak to people who have 3 or more items checked off.